1.Baptism of Children

Baptism of Children

The birth of a baby is a very special time for the family involved and their relatives and friends. Young children are a reminder to us all of the amazing gift of life, of the importance of love and relationship, and also of human vulnerability. God is the giver of all life, the source of love, and the Father who longs for us to recognise our dependence on him.

St Mark writes in his gospel:
"People brought children to Jesus to be blessed by him, But his friends the disciples tried to stop them bothering him. When Jesus saw this he was cross with the disciples and said to them, Let the little children come to me and do not try to stop them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. I tell you, whoever does not accept the kingdom of God like a child will never enter it. And he put his arms around them, laid his hand upon them and blessed them." (Mark 10:13-16)

By wanting to bring your child to be blessed by God, you are following a tradition that began more than two thousand years ago, following in the footsteps of those who brought their children to Jesus. It is therefore entirely appropriate that you should want to bring your child into the church to thank God for him/her, to pray for God's blessing on them, and to celebrate with friends and family God's wonderful gift in your lives. Below are some of the things you need to consider if you would like to bring your child for baptism/christening.


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