If you live within the ecclesiastical parishes of Sherburn in Elmet, Saxton, Aberford or Micklefield (if you are not sure you can check this with the Administrator or via the website www.achurchnearyou.com), or have a current connection with one of the parishes (e.g. a regular worshipper at one of our services, a member of one of our associated groups, a child at one of the Church Schools) you are welcome to come to us to be baptised (if you have not been baptised already) or to bring your children to us for baptism/christening.
If you are enquiring about baptism for yourself, you should contact one of the Ministry Team in the first instance.
If you are enquiring about baptism for your child, you may like to read the following before contacting Angie Wilton (the Parish Administrator tel: 01977 682122 or email avmw28@aol.com) or attending our Baptism Preparation Group held at All Saints Sherburn-in-Elmet at 8pm on the first Wednesday in each month (except August and January). (NB. We normally hold services of baptism during the Sunday morning service and at separate services of baptism at 12.30 at Sherburn on other Sundays of the month. At these separate midday services of baptism there may be more than one family involved. You may need to be fairly flexible about the date you prefer as we tend to be heavily booked in advance at certain times of the year, so cannot guarantee your first choice date).